Jellybean Contest
We are preparing a new edition of our hit game The Lady and the Tiger. The new version will be a collection of cards with gorgeous art, offering games from multiple designers…and we want you to be one of those designers!

The sequel currently contains a 2-player bidding game. We’d love to include some other games in the box – wholly new designs using the same components: 23 specific cards and 25 tokens in five colors.
The winner will be offered a chance to have their game included in the box; winning this contest will make you a paid and published game designer!
We’re looking for whatever the components inspire you to make – area control, hand management, trick taking, pick up and deliver, bluffing…anything goes! The winner will be the game which is the most accessible and fun to play, whether it’s a 30-second solo experience or an hour-long dexterity game.
Your entry should include a setup image of your game and a rules sheet. The rules should explain setup, turn structure, gameplay, and your game’s end condition(s). Designs should be complete and playable; we’re looking for games that you’ve brought to the table and played to completion, something that’s more than just an idea.
Tip: The games we included in the original The Lady and the Tiger all had simple, elegant victory conditions. “First to five points”, or “Collect 10 treasures to win” – games with no complex mental arithmetic or memorization.
Submissions will close at midnight Central Time on Sunday the 19th of March, 2023. Multiple submissions from a single designer are welcome, up to a limit of 3, but should each be submitted separately. Submissions are final and cannot be edited. You will keep all rights to games that you submit to this contest.
Submit entries via this form. If you have any difficulties with the submission process, email for assistance.
Game rules should be submitted in PDF format.
The challenge of this contest is the components – games can be of any style, player count or length, but can only use the tokens and cards which are already in the box.
The components are:
- 23 cards:
- 19 clue cards
- 3x Red Lady
- 3x Red Tiger
- 3x Blue Lady
- 3x Blue Tiger
- 1x Lady/Tiger
- 1x Red/Blue
- 5 Dragon cards: 1 red, 1 blue, 1 black, 1 white, 1 yellow
- 4 door cards
- Red Lady
- Red Tiger
- Blue Lady
- Blue Tiger
- 19 clue cards
- 25 tokens
- 5 red tokens
- 5 blue tokens
- 5 black tokens
- 5 white tokens
- 5 yellow token
The cards can be downloaded here. The 19 clue cards will have all have the same back, which will be different to the 4 door cards. The tokens will be plastic gems, and will not be stackable or double-sided. No cards will have text on them, however the final product will offer a double-sided reference card for each player.
A Tabletop Simulator mod of the components can be found here.
Tip: The Dragon cards are new to this edition, and special attention will be given to games that feature those in their gameplay.
The winner of the contest will receive $300 USD.
Additionally, the best solo game will receive a prize of $100 USD, and the best large-player game (more than 5) will receive a prize of $100 USD.
The winners (and likely several other contestants) will be offered a contract to be published as part of the game – the contract will include a portion of profits from the game’s sales.
The competition will be judged by the Jellybean Games team. To learn more about us, click around on the website (we get up to a lot of cool stuff), follow us on Twitter, or check out our Facebook page.
Created by Devgado